Category Archives: Notices

Changes to the Sailing Instructions

Following Changes to the Sailing Instructions are posted.
Note that we can NOT guarantee that all changes are posted here, only the ones at the official notice board are in effect and any failure to post here or differences of the ones posted here to the ones at the official notice board are no grounds for redress.

Notice to Competitors #2, 28 May 2017:

Amendment #2 download the pdf

Notice to Competitors #1, 26 May 2017:

Amendment to SI #1, 25. May 2017:

AGM on Monday

The AGM will be held at 16.30 or as soon as everyone is off the water and ready.

It will be held in the downstairs bar area of the club, on your right as you walk in from the beach.

We intend to keep it less than an hour but encourage everyone to turn up please as there are a few important decisions and discussions on the agenda.


OKDIA Committe