Clarification of entry fees and non-sailing extras

There have been a few questions regarding the process for entry fees and non-paying sailors.

1. Payment of entry fees and late entry fees

Some containers will contain boats from another nation. To make collection of container fees as easy as possible, would all container organisers please collect the Overall Fee of £900 from ALL sailors putting boats in their container, and then please send the entry fees for ALL sailors to the OA (copied to OKDIA).

The Entry Forms should only be submitted to the OA by the sailor’s National Association with a note of who has made the actual payment of the Entry Fee.

i.e  SWE999 Sven Svendsson (Payment made by Danish Association)

If a container booking is made late, the container organiser shall request the sailor pay the Overall Fee (less the early Entry Fee of US$250) in the container organiser’s currency. This amount shall be the organiser’s sole decision. The National Association of the sailor shall then pay the late entry fee to the OA.

Entry fees should not be sent by individual sailors.

2. Non-Sailing Persons

The £900 Overall Fee includes one entry fee at the early entry rate of US$250.

Any non-sailing persons also need to be included on the Entry Form, though they they can be added and paid for at any time up to April 1.

It is recommended for simplicity that National Associations/Container Organisers collect all Non-Sailing Persons fees in additon to Overall Fees and then make one transfer for Entry Fees and Non-Sailing fees.

Non-Sailing Fees can also be paid direct to the Organising Authority, but you will incur bank charges and local charges on arrival on Barbados.

Please note all payment instructions and bank details are included in the Notice of Race.